
People, Places, Vistas, Thoughts & Sentiments
A photographic road trip through the Balkans.

The Common Routes Team of Photographers resumed activity in 2014 with the Common Routes/Balkan Project. The love for the journey, its imprint through each photographer’s personal visual and aesthetic but also the deeper need for expression through a travel interpretation are the connecting link and common philosophy of the group.

A photographic journey of about 3,500 kilometers of roads starting at Constantinople and intermediate stations at Ankara, Cappadocia and the greater Goreme region, the south of the country with Pamukkale and finally the coastlines with the final destination of Izmir.

The photographic captures of this first voyage was exhibited in April 2016 at the Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation ..
Next in line of the Balkan photo tour were Serbia and Bosnia &Herzegovina in 2016, Romania in 2017, Albania in 2018, Kosovo and Montenegro 2019 with corresponding photo exhibitions at the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Team members/photographers:
Yiorgos Assimakopoulos, Chara Ertsou, Tasos Koutsiaftis, Dimosthenis Maragos, Michael Nikolaides, Giorgos Tsakanikas, Tolis Chatzignatiou.